The Way Forward by Yung Pueblo is a beautiful quote book. I love this author’s work and their many books. My favorite excerpts are below:
The magic happens once you accept that you can’t regulate others’ emotions or experiences. That’s when you begin to live your most authentic life. Some people will not “get” you, but what matters is that YOU get you. Be kind, help others, and don’t forget to live for yourself.
Maturity is realizing that half of what you want to say does not need to be said. Being able to see the difference between ego reactions and helpful points that can uplift harmony or reaffirm your values makes a real difference. “Speak your truth” does not mean “speak your ego”.
9 things that hold great power:
- rest
- kindness
- meditation
- vulnerability
- healing yourself
- being honest with others
- embracing lifelong growth
- fostering deep connections
- giving without wanting in return
I began to carve a new road, one that would lead to better things. Along the way I found the parts of me that I had misplaced. As I was busy building a life that supports my peace of mind, healing gave me a guiding lesson: to continue moving forward I simply need to treat myself and others with gentleness and honesty.
Love is much bigger than relationships. Love is the way you heal yourself, the kindness you give others, the gentleness you give yourself in turbulent times, the space you hold for close friends, the intention with which you live in the present, and the energy that changes the world. Love is every moment that elevates the human experience and all the small things that make life shine.
Sometimes we go back to our old life for a little while to remember that it no longer fits.
Intuition will invite you to be courageous, but it will not lead you into a reckless dead end. Intuition feels like a calm knowing that appears in my body. If I don’t listen to it at first, it will reappear sporadically with tranquil certainty. Intuition has a softness to it, even when it asks you to make bold moves.
Let yourself disappoint people, especially if you need to take care of your mind or because your intuition is telling you that what they want does not align with who you are becoming. Betraying yourself is not virtuous. Remember, no one can feel your heart better than you can.
Being able to see yourself as you are moving through your own emotional spectrum is an essential quality to cultivate. Knowing the difference between who you are when you are balanced versus who you are when your mood is low can help you endure difficult moments without making them any harder. When you are in a tense mood, question the assessments an judgments you are making. You know from past experience that heavy emotions negatively color your view. This is not the time to make big decisions.
The judgments of others are largely informed by a combination of their old conditioning and current emotion, it will give you the freedom to genuinely be yourself.
Control sucks the air out of relationships, and it pushes away good people. Control functions in opposition to love. Control is often a manifestation of old hurt and trauma.
I feel like i know you, but this is our first time meeting. My intuition tells me this is a new chapter in our very old story. Your eyes look familiar and naturally i feel comfortable in your presence. I don’t remember my past lives but if i have lived previously you were certainly there. If this is a new opportunity for us let’s make sure to do it all better than before.
You need to know when to walk away. If misalignment feels constant and harmony is rare. If their words are unreliable and the support you need to flourish is clearly not within their emotional capacity. No longer feeding a connection that is losing its energy is a hard choice, but it might be the exact thing you need to do to honor your self-love and personal growth.
The truth is that only open hands can carry love well; hands that are closed tightly cannot receive or give love. Love’s closest synonym is freedom, which means that love is not something that can thrive in a constricted environment. Love needs space to stretch, expand, and flow.
Connections often break under the weight of unresolved trauma and poor communication. Old hurt creates distance between partners and makes it hard to see each other clearly. Without selfless listening and vocalizing your vulnerability, it will be difficult to deepen your bond.
Trauma reacts; intention responds
The intensity of your reaction reveals how much of the past you are holding on to.
The default is to live from a place of ego, focused on surviving. The goal is to live from a place of compassion for yourself and others, which supports thriving.
7 timeless values:
- compassion
- self-love
- curiosity
- balance
- humility
- growth
- kindness
You are the key to your own healing. Not time. Hurt, trauma, and dense conditioning will continue sitting in your mind, impacting your emotions and behavior, until you go inward. What heals is self-love, learning to let go, self-awareness, and building new habits.
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