The Christmas season is upon us and if you’re anything like me then you want to make sure you get your children’s teacher a wonderful gift.
Something that they will REALLY love.
You’re over the cookies, statues, pencils, candy, and baked gifts gift that typically are given.
Who doesn’t LOVE a Starbucks gift card. I don’t even drink coffee and I LOVE starbucks. They have SO many delicious things from hot cocoa, steamed apple juice, and their baked goods…..yum! My favorite is their iced lemon pounds cake!
So here are the directions to make a fantastic Teacher Gift this year!
You will need:
starbucks gift cards
pen or ink pad with name stamp
All you do is go to Mandy’s website HERE and scroll down until you see the 2 empty pictures of the image and click on that. Go ahead and print it right from there!
Cut it out and I had my son stamp his name on because the handwriting would have taken too long, then just tape the gift card on the bottom and you are all ready!
It’s going to be finishh off mine day, buut before finish I am reading tgis
grewt article tto increase my know-how.