SIGNS (The secret language of the universe) by Laura Lynn Jackson is a phenomenal book! It really changed my life in many ways and I think this is a MUST READ for all of humanity!
I want you to understand that this book has found its way into your hands for a reason. That you are reading these words right now is not an accident. It is an invitation from the universe. In whatever way this book and these words have found their way to you, please know it wasn’t a random event.
Some of my favorite excerpts are below:
While one’s body is temporary, one’s love lives on forever.
You don’t need a psychic medium to connect with the Other Side.
Each of us has a Team of Light- a group of unseen helpers who work together to guide us to our highest path. This team is made up of our loved ones who have crossed, our spirit guides (guardian angels), a higher angelic realm, and God energy, which is based in the strongest force there is or ever will be: LOVE.
When we learn to recognize and trust the many ways in which the universe communicates with us, we experience what I call a Great Shift.
Once you learn to see these signs and messages, you will NEVER be able to unsee them.
The most important truth of all- that the universe is constantly loving and supporting and guiding us, even on our darkest days.
Aimed at helping those in grief, particularly parents who have lost children is the Forever Family Foundation.
Consciousness survives bodily death.
The Other Side is our true home. It is a place ruled by love and only love.
Default signs might be coins, birds, butterflies, deer, numbers, and electrical disturbances, such as empty cellphone messages, among other things.
Synchronicity- this is when you think of someone and all of a sudden they are right in front of you. You hum your favorite song and suddenly it starts playing on the car radio.
With my spirit guides, I usually ask for oranges. With my loved ones who have crossed, I ask for armadillos, aardvarks, and anteaters, which I chose because they’re sufficiently rare and are hard to miss. This book will show you how to create your own language with the Other Side, so that when your signs come, you will not only recognize them but also feel the extraordinary power they bring!
Earth is a school where we are all learning a collective lesson in love. We are spiritual beings here to learn about connectivity and kindness.
What is, when we take a long, mindful look at everything around us, we’re not actually seeing everything? What if we’re seeing part of what’s really there? What if we are missing an entire layer of reality? And what if, by simply opening our hearts and our minds to a new vocabulary of seeing and understanding, we begin to see a much bigger picture? What if the world suddenly becomes a magnificent tapestry of connections and signs and light and love, all woven into the ordinary fabric of life that we’re so used to?
Use me however I can best be of service as a vehicle of love and healing in this world. And please just guide me along the way.
We are all constantly being watched over by a Team of Light; we are loved. We are all connected and invested in one another’s journeys; When you ask for signs from the Universe, the Universe speaks back.
You ARE receiving signs. The universe, God energy, your loved ones on the Other Side, and your spirit guides are sending them to you, reaching out and trying to connect with you. It is happening. It is happening A LOT.
When we shed our bodies, we all become part of the same universal life force- a massive swirl of light and love and energy. In other words, our energy- our light and our love, our consciousness- does not end when we physically die. It endures, and it links with the light energy of everyone else in the history of existence, connecting into one great, universal life force.
My experience has taught me that we all have teachers, mentors, and protectors on the Other Side who purpose is to watch over us and guide us toward our best and highest life path. Some call them guardian angels. I call them spirit guides. These guides are not anyone we knew during this lifetime, such as friends or relatives certainly help guide us too. Spirit guides enter into what I call soul contracts to play a role in our lives before we are born. They have been specifically assigned to us. They are tasked with, and devoted to, making sure everything that happens in our lives is geared toward our soul’s development. In Hinduism, they are called Devas or Devis, and they are considered heavenly beings that cannot be seen by the human eye.
Can we know who our spirit guides are? YES.
Sometimes when we get signs from the Other Side, we dismiss them or let our logical minds talk us out of them. We don’t mention them to anyone because we’re afraid they’ll think we’re crazy.
They are not gone. Souls go on. They continue to grow on the Other Side. They cross surrounded by love, and they are not alone. They are okay and they love you and they try to send messages. What does it feel like on the Other Side? It feels like the most love you can ever possibly feel, multiplied by eight billion percent.
(There is a story of a message from the other side from a child to his parents)- He wanted his parents to know that their job had been to give them unconditional love, and that they’d done their job beautifully and completely. He said his time on earth was supposed to be brief, and that he was never meant to suffer, which he didn’t. He kept saying how dying was like falling asleep and waking up in the best dream ever. Most of all, he wanted his parents to know that he was okay- and that they would be okay too because they hadn’t lost him after all. He was still with them, and he always would be.
Hummingbirds play such a prominent symbolic role in so many cultures. Native Americans, for example, see hummingbirds as healers and helpers who bring luck and love to those they visit. The ancient Aztecs believed hummingbirds were commissioned by the god to carry out tasks that required exceptional lightness, such as delivering blessings from one person to another. “Hummingbirds lead from here to there the thoughts of men”, one Aztec saying goes. “If someone intends good to you, the hummingbird takes that desire all the way to you”.
Death ends a life, not a relationship.
Default SIGNS:
- Birds and Butterflies
- Deer
- Electrical Events (often with cellphones)
- Coins appearing in our path
- Rainbows
- Pictures
- Slogans
- Billboards
- Magazines
- License Plates
Animals can sense each others’s electromagnetic fields or EMF’s. Butterflies send out ultraviolet signals, while many birds have built in compasses that are guided by the earth’s magnetic field. And hunters have long complained about a sixth sense employed by deer, because deer are extremely tuned in to EMF’s.
Coins, too- since they consist of metal- have a level of conductivity that seems to make them easy targets for the Other Side. Look for coins appearing in unlikely places or at unlikely times, specifically when you are thinking of someone you love who has crossed, wresting with an important decision, or having a difficult day.
Rainbows are another powerful and popular sign. A rainbow is essentially a refraction and dispersion of light energy, and the Other Side loves playing around with light energy. The appearance of rainbows, and even double rainbows, at perfectly timed moments is a sign our Teams of Light often choose to send.
Things that are out of place, or out of season, or otherwise unusual in their timing or appearance are good candidates to be signs.
The love we hold in our hearts on this earth does not disappear into nothingness when we cross- it travels with us and becomes a part of the massive, universal life force that is the collection of all of our love and light. In the same way, our passions and our unique individual gifts and personality comes with us, too. Someone who is an artist on earth will be an artist on the Other Side.
If we adored elephants when we were in our bodies, we will still adore them once our consciousness has transitioned out of our bodies and turned into pure light energy.
We need to remember that our gut will never steer us wrong. That is why it is so important for us to heed our intuitive pulls. Because when we heed them, we honor them.
Through signs, our loved ones can be much better communicators than they ever were on earth.
Sometimes our bodies tell us things before our minds know it.
Air and light and wind and fire are all elements that the Other Side can manipulate.
The love that we feel on earth comes with us when we cross. The love we have for one another, and the love we have for all the things we bonded with while we were here.
If our pets cross to the Other Side and if they, too, can send us signs. The answer to both is yes. The Other Side has taught me that we see only about 15% of what is around us here on earth. The rest is unseen energy and light connections. Animals can also sense and see the energy of spirits visiting us on earth.
Allow for some time to see your sign. Quite often, people will receive the signs they ask for within three days.
We can ask for help too. Not in an abstract way. Help with specific things. Specific help for specific problems.
It’s important that when we do receive a sign, we take the time to express our gratitude. “Thank you Nana for the beautiful butterfly. We should acknowledge the sign and be grateful, either with a thought or actual words.
The secret language of the universe does not have to stay secret.
Sometimes our highest path takes us away from someone we romantically love or think we love, simply because they aren’t ready to change paths with us. We need to realize that even if we choose a path that doesn’t include them, that doesn’t mean we no longer love them, or that our time together wasn’t “the right path”. We cross into each other’s path for a reason- to teach each other useful lessons and help each other grow. But sometimes, in order to keep growing, we have to venture onto a new, higher path by ourselves. And that is okay. You can love someone and still not be meant to spend your whole life with them.
Of all the signs sent to us by the Other Side, few are as beautiful and dramatic as a rainbow. Whenever I see a rainbow, I know the Other Side is trying to tell me something. That’s because the Other Side LOVES using rainbows to catch our attention. And double rainbows are even scarcer; seeing one can feel like spotting a unicorn. The Other Side is very good at manipulating light. Rainbows are a sign of powerful and positive messages of love and hope. They are spectacular signs sent to us by our Teams of Light on the Other Side.
When we’re really torn between the two- when we cannot distinguish between the love-based path and the fear-based path- that’s when the Other Side tries to send us signs. Signs are the directional arrows that point toward the highest path.
Elana (a mother written about in the book) had a soul contract with her son, Noah. They were meant to be together. The soul of the child who miscarried was a soul that had traveled with Elana’s soul for many, many lifetimes, and they were meant to be together, but if it didn’t happen in this life, then it would happen in another.
When Leslie “feels” the presence of her son in her home, she is demonstrating clairsentience- the ability to feel things through means other than our five senses. She is sensing the subtle presence of his life energy and consciousness.
My message to anyone who is stuck in grief and sadness like I was is ‘Do not be afraid’. Because when you’re afraid, you close yourself off. And when you open your heart and your mind, what comes back from the universe is pure love and joy. And you begin to understand that your loved ones are still with you, and there is no blame, no fault, no anger, no guilt, just unconditional love. And that gives you the freedom to go on.
Sometimes the Other Side sends us cardinals and rainbows and groundhogs. Other times, it sends signs that are more internal- gut instincts, pulls, dreams, random thoughts. Tugs from the universe in one direction or another.
Finding gratitude and appreciation is key to resilience.
We are always in a state of co-creating with the universe!
We are not talking to the universe about what we HOPE will happen. We are talking to the universe about something that we KNOW will happen.
When we are open to manifesting- to co-creating with the universe- the universe will often dream an even bigger dream for you than you did for yourself.
When we travel, we drink in the energy of every new place in a way that can be transformational. Traveling infuses us with new energy and enhances our sense of being connected to the wider world. This energy, these cords of connection, stay with us and elevate us even after we leave.
We are all light beings stuffed into physical bodies.
Whenever we consciously direct our thoughts to the Other Side, that is prayer. And whenever we pray, the Other Side always- ALWAYS- hears us. When we pray, it is a beautiful form of music to the Other Side. Prayer is when we direct our thoughts to God/the universe; meditation is when we listen back.
The understanding of our place in the world- as beings of light and energy connected to all the other light and energy in the universe.
On his final day on earth, the visionary inventor Thomas Edison woke from a coma. He opened his eyes and looked upward, his face reflecting something like awe. Then he spoke for the first time in a long time, and said six words. “It is very beautiful over there”. Almost exactly 80 years later, another visionary, Steve Jobs, lay on his deathbed. Just before crossing, he looked lovingly at his sister Patty and at his children and at his life partner, Laurene. Then he looked past them all, to a place only he could see, and he uttered six final words. “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.” At their moments of crossing, when their loved ones on the Other Side rushed to greet their souls, and the embracing light of all creation washed over them, they found the words to convey the sheer wonder of what awaits us, in our true home on the Other Side. In an instant, they experienced how truly interconnected, how truly bound by love and light, we all are. And this revelation was simply dazzling.
Earth is a school where we are all learning a collective lesson in love.
This transmission is instant and complete; when we cross we understand perfectly that we’ve always been connected to everyone else, and that we’ve always been part of everyone else’s journey through time. We realize that, as beings of light and energy, we are all connected to the same massive current of love that powers the universe and infuses everything with meaning. For now, however, this truth is something each of us must learn at our own pace. And being open to signs from the Other Side brings us immeasurable closer to this beautiful truth.
We are all distinct instruments, playing our separate beautiful notes, and it is our job to play them as best we can, but when we all play together, we produce a magnificent symphony that lifts us all and makes sense of our individual roles.
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