DESTINY OF SOULS by Michael Newton, PhD
This is the follow up book to Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. It discusses more case lives and a further look into spiritual things like where souls go after death, soulmates, spirit guides, ways spirits connect, and why we choose specific bodies. I loved this book and below are my favorite excerpts:
At the moment of death, our soul rises out of its host body. Most souls are met by guides just outside Earth’s astral plane. There are souls who choose to remain at the scene of their death for a while. Most wish to leave at once. As they move further away from earth, souls experience an increasingly brilliant light around them. Some will sense passing through a tunnel or portal. The difference depends upon the exit speed of the soul.
In the early stages of their exit all souls encounter a “wispy cloudiness” around them that soon becomes clear. This is the moment when the average soul sees their guide.
They don’t grieve about their recent physical death like the way their loved ones will.
The soul has such Majesty that it is beyond description. I tend to think of souls as intelligent light forms of energy. Part of our light energy always remains behind in the spirit world.
There is an orientation periods with our guides; which take place before joining our cluster group. There is also quiet time for counseling, with the opportunity to vent any frustrations we have about the life that just ended. Orientation is intended to be an initial debriefing session.
The meeting may be long or short depending upon the circumstances of what we did or did not accomplish with regard to our life contract. Special karmic issues are also reviewed. There are souls who became involved with evil acts. The degrees of harm to others from mischief and malevolence are carefully evaluated. Those Souls who have been associated with evil are taken to special centers which some clients call “ intensive care units”. Their energy is remodeled to make it whole again. Depending upon the nature of their transgressions, these Souls could be rather quickly returned to earth. They might well choose to serve as the victims of others’ evil acts in the next life.
There is no hell for souls, except perhaps on Earth.
Some lives are so difficult that the soul arrives home very tired.
Soul groups range between 3- 25 members with the average having about 15.
Simply because a soul has been incarnating on Earth since the Stone Age is no guarantee of high attainment. in my lectures I often remark about a client who took 4,000 years of past lives to finally to conquer jealousy.
All highly Advanced souls are old souls in terms of both knowledge and experience.
Energy colors displayed by souls in the spirit world. Pure White denotes a younger soul and with advancement Soul energy becomes more dense, colors like orange, yellow, green and finally the blue ranges. There are subtle mixtures of halo colors that relate to the character aspects of each soul.
In the spirit world no soul is looked down upon as having less value than any other soul.
There is so much free will that if we are not ready to leave Earth’s astral plane after death, for a variety of personal reasons, our guides will allow us to stay around until such time as we are prepared to go home.
Advanced subjects talk about joining “the Most Sacred Ones” in a sphere of dense purple light there is an all-knowing Presence.
As the time approaches for rebirth, we go to a space where a number of bodies are reviewed that might meet our goals. We have a chance to look into the future here and actually test out different bodies before making a choice. Souls voluntarily select less than perfect bodies and difficult lives to address karmic debts or to work on different aspects of a lesson they have had trouble with in the past. Most Souls accept the bodies offered to them in the selection room but a soul can reject what is offered and even delay reincarnating. Then, too, a soul might ask to go to a physical planet other than Earth for a while.
Souls join their assigned hosts in the womb of the baby’s mother sometime after the third month of pregnancy so they will have a sufficiently evolved brain to work with before term. Afterbirth an amnesiac memory block sets in and souls meld their immortal character with the temporary human mind to produce a combination of traits for a new personality.
Having a client in a normal alpha state of hypnosis is not adequate enough to reach the superconscious state of the soul mind. They must be in deeper theta ranges of hypnosis. By the time the client has passed through the death scene of that life and reached the gateway to the spirit world, my bridge is complete.
The only thing of true importance in this material life is the way we live and how we treat other people. The circumstances of our life mean nothing compared to our compassion and acceptance of others. I now have a knowing rather than a feeling about why I am here and where I am going after death.
When souls are in the spirit world preparing for a new life, they laugh about being in rehearsals for their next big stage play on earth. They know all rules are temporary. In our culture, we do not prepare properly for death during life because it is something we cannot fix or change. The healthy don’t want to talk about it and frequently neither do the seriously ill. Thus, our culture views death as an abhorrence.
One of the most meaningful aspects of my work and the spirit world is learning from the perspective of the departed soul what it feels like to die and how souls try to reach back and comfort those left behind. I hope to validate that what you sense deep inside after a loss is not just wishful thinking. The person you love is not really gone.
Part of your energy was left behind in the spirit world at the time of incarnation. When your love arrives back home again, you will already be there waiting with that portion of your energy which was left behind. One of the most significant revelations of my research was to learn that soulmates are never truly apart from each other. Certain methods used by souls to communicate with those they love. These techniques may begin right after physical death and can be very intense.
Yet if we have the need, souls are able to contact us on a regular basis from the spirit world. Quiet contemplation and meditation should bring a greater receptivity to the departed and provide your consciousness with a heightened sense of awareness.
(Talking with a subject who just lost their spouse): “She is too numb to feel my energy.” Right after death the people who love you are either very agitated or completely numb. (Asks what you want her to do): Stop crying and focus her thoughts. I won’t go until she at least senses that someone is in this room with her. Souls who are reaching back to comfort the living look for areas that are most receptive to their energy. The whole idea with recognition is to convince the person grieving that the individual they love is still alive. The purpose of somatic touch is to allow the grief stricken person to come to terms with their loss by acquiring an awareness that absence is only a change of reality and not final. Quite soon they stop crying without knowing why.
Take a piece of jewelry, an article of clothing- anything that belong to the departed person- and hold it for a while in a mutually familiar place and quietly open your mind, while blanking out all other irrelevant thoughts. One of the primary ways the newly departed Soul uses to reach people who love them is through the dream state. Even if we are in a fitful state of sleep, the unconscious mind is now more open for reception.
(How they use the dream state to reach the living): I classify dreams in 3 ways and one of them is the cleaning house state. We can’t make sense of it because there is none. There is a more cognitive side to dreaming. I divide this state into two parts; problem solving and spiritual. There are people who have been given a premonition about some future event as an outgrowth of dreams.
I am always with him and the devotion we have for each other can’t die.
When Souls have difficulty reaching the mind of a troubled adult they might resort to using children as conduits for their messages. Children are more receptive to Spirits because they have not been conditioned to doubt or resist the supernatural.
(Explaining coming to her from a mother to a child): Sarah is holding a set of her mother’s knitting needles. “I send warmth through them into her hands and she feels this right away. Then I use the needles as a springboard to reach her spine at the base of the neck and work around to her chin. I’m tickling her chin like I did before she went to sleep every night.”
Another way spirits touch people is through environmental settings associated with their memory.
Derek was a man in his 60’s who came to see me to evaluate his life and try to resolve his greatest sadness. He lost his beautiful 4-year-old daughter, Julia. Her death was sudden and unexpected. I placed him in deep hypnosis and took him to a scene following his last life where he appeared in front of his counsel. We then discovered that one of his major current life lessons was with learning to cope with tragedy.
When we suffer the absence of people we love they may come to us in mysterious ways, often when our minds are detached in a shallow Alpha state. Take these moments as messages from the other side and allow them to bring sustenance to you.
Personal guides and soulmates, however they are represented, contact us from the other side if we require consolation.
There are those Angel like spirits who regularly come to Earth between lives simply to help people they don’t know who are in distress.
Souls lose most of their negative emotional baggage when they shed their bodies.
When a soul once again returns to a pure energy state in the spirit world, it no longer feels hate, anger, envy, jealousy and the like. After departing from earth, do souls feel any sadness for what they have left behind? Certainly, souls carry nostalgia for the good times in all their past physical lives. This is tempered by a state of blissful omniscience and such a heightened sense of well-being that souls feel more alive than when they were on earth.
Death is like waking up after a long sleep where you have just a muddled awareness. The release you feel is one that comes after crying, only here you are not crying. I am hopeful my years of research into the life we lead as souls may assist survivors in recognizing that death only exchanges one reality for another in the long continuum of existence.
The Akashic Record traditions of Eastern- my subjects call them Life Books.
If we could look at Earth with x-ray vision it might resemble a series of overlaid, clear plastic topographical sheets. These vibrational energy layers vary in density and denote alternate realities to me. Certain gifted people might be able to see within these layers, but most of us are unable to do so.
Our guides do not compel or coerce us to move into the spirit world if our unfinished business is so overpowering that we do not want to leave Earth’s astral plane.
Keep in mind that time means nothing in the spirit world.
I touched upon the duality of souls and how they are able to divide their energy to live more than one life at a time. A portion of the energy of most souls never leaves the spirit world during their incarnations. But splitting soul energy is particularly relevant to the study of ghosts. In my last case, even though she was in limbo for a while as a ghost, another part of her energy remained in the spirit world working on lessons and interacting with other souls. That other portion may also incarnate again and move on to a new life, which is what I believe happened with the woman who found the haunted house.
There are life cycles when souls choose to take less energy than they should into a human body.
Are there people who die who are not ready to return to the spirit world? yes. Their desire can be to be a ghost.
(When discussing disturbed souls): They simply don’t want to be in contact with anyone. They are Divergent. Their actions are the results of something unfinished… traumatic… overwhelming. They are unwilling to let go and this conduct is not usual. They won’t talk to their teachers because of the extent of their own unhappiness.
I still wonder why the souls who want to come back right away, with no stopovers in the spirit world can’t just be given a new body immediately? Can’t you see that placing a disturbed soul into a new body would be totally unfair to a baby just starting life? These souls have a right to be in seclusion, but they will eventually make the decision to ask for assistance. They must come to the conclusion they can’t progress alone. Being given a new body won’t help them.
Can you give me some indication of how our guides deal with all types of souls in self-imposed exile? They give them time to sweat it out. This is a challenge for teachers. They know these souls are concerned about their evaluations and the reactions from their soul groups.
The Christian churches simply do not accept the concept that everything is forgivable in the afterlife.
There are entities who travel to earth as tourists and have never incarnated on our planet. The character of these beings has been described to me as friendly, helpful and peaceful, or distant, aggravating and even contentious. For thousands of years I believe they have been considered in our folklore as beings with the capacity to create both fear and enchantment. Our mythology alludes to the differences between light beings who are airy and whimsical and darker beings who are heavy with ugly temperaments.
Quite a number of my subjects have told me that between their lives on Earth they travel as discarnates to other worlds both in and out of our dimension. I am curious what you know about other beings you might see when you come to earth? They float through our reality here on Earth just as I do other dimensions. As visitors, we soar through the mountains and valleys, the cities and small towns. For us, there is a vicarious picking up of the energy of Earth’s struggles.
These subjects do not see the devil or demonic spirits floating around earth. What they do feel when they are spirits is an abundance of negative human energy exuding the intense emotions of anger, hate, and fear.
Life can be cruel but it is of our making here on this planet.
Studies of the psychopath have shown that the excitement of inflicting pain on others without remorse satisfies and emptiness they feel within themselves. Practicing evil is a source of power, strength and control for inadequate people.
A Soul’s energy force may, during troubled times, disassociate from the body. There are those who feel they don’t even belong to their bodies. These souls are prone to thoughts of suicide. There may also be influences of abnormal brain chemistry and hormonal imbalances affecting the central nervous system that might contaminate the soul.
I see the soul as intelligent light energy. Ancient Egyptians said that to begin to understand the soul, one must listen to the heart. I think they were right.
- Envelopment- The more common method, which my subjects describe as pure ecstasy.
- The Focus Effect- energy is applied at the edges of the soul’s etheric body. The etheric, or soul body is an outline of our old physical body which Souls take into the spirit world. Essentially, it is an imprint of a human form we have not shed yet, like the skin of a reptile.
We know damaged body imprints from a past life can influence the current physical form of some people unless properly deprogrammed, so why not the reverse? There are souls who shed their body form completely at the moment of death. However, many souls with physical and emotional scars from life carry the imprint of this damaged energy back home.
Souls often leave their bodies seconds before a violent death.
Most all returning souls will continue on to some sort of healing station before finally joining their groups.
Crystals represent thought enhancement through a balancing of energy.
There are certain display Souls who have become so contaminated by their host bodies that they require special handling. In life they became destructive to others and themselves. This spectrum of behavior would primarily include souls who have been associated with evil acts that caused harm to other people through deliberate malice.
I have my own theory of madness. The soul comes into the fetus and begins its fusion with the human mind. By the time the baby is born. If this child matures into an adult with organic brain syndromes, psychosis, or major affective disorders, abnormal behavior is the result. hTe struggling soul does not fully assimilate. When this soul can no longer control the aberrant behavior of its body, the two personas begin to separate into a dissociated personality. There may be many physical, emotional and environmental factors that contribute to a person becoming a danger to themselves and others. Here the combined Self has been damaged.
The City of Shadows is a place where severely damaged souls are taken. It is a place of healing, but from a distance it has the appearance of a dark sea- while I am looking at it from a bright sandy beach. We also know that souls who are taken to this area are not exonerated. Eventually, in some way, they must redress the wrongs they perpetrated on others. This they must do to restore full positive energy to themselves.
Those that had habitually cruel lifestyles, these souls are then given a choice. We will do our best to clean up their energy by rehabilitation and if we think they are salvageable, they are offered a choice to come back to earth in roles where they will receive the same type of pain they caused, only multiplied. It usually will take more than one life to endure an equal measure of the same kind of pain they caused to many people. Most are too fearful that they will fall again into the same patterns. They also lack the courage to be victims in a number of future lives. If they won’t come back to earth, then what do you do? These Souls will then go the way of those Souls we considered to be unsalvageable. We will then disseminate their energy. There are souls whose acts and host bodies were so heinous they are not permitted to return to earth.
There are special gifts of environmental healers on our planet.
The Earth itself has its own vibrational rate. There are places in the world which give off intense pulses of magnetic energy. The places of Stone in Sedona, Arizona; Machu Picchu in Peru; and Ayers Rock in Australia.
If we were to bring 100% of our energy into one body during an incarnation, we would blow the circuits of the brain.
A highly advanced soul will bring no more than 25% of his total capacity to Earth where the average, less confident soul has 50 to 70%.
Every Soul has a specific energy field pattern which reflects an immortal blueprint of its character.
When we review our future life from the spirit world we are given advice about the energy requirements of the body we will occupy. The decision of how much energy we should take is ours. Many Souls want to leave as much behind as possible because they love their home and the activities going on there. Emotional and physical trauma drains are energy reserves. One of the best ways we revitalize our energy is through sleep. Once again, we can further divide the energy we brought with us and roam freely while leaving a small percentage behind to alert the larger portion to return quickly if needed. Souls can also be recharged by loving Spirits during a crisis. With the help of their guides, some people have the ability to communicate- or temporarily tap into- their own energy reserve during a crisis.
The souls who choose to split into two or more bodies within the same general time frame on Earth want to accelerate their learning. Thus, a soul might leave up to 10% of his energy behind and place the rest in two or three bodies. Certain bodies require more spiritual energy than others and they know what conditions exist before we enter the life. And if your environment is harsh, that too must be taken into consideration.
A physical world like Earth is a stage of mental development. There are many physical worlds similar to earth. We call them pleasure worlds and suffering worlds. I do know that the souls who come to worlds such as Earth need to be strong and resilient because of the pain they have to endure along with the joy.
Original scenes from all our lives never leave our memory of souls. We can create anything we want in the spirit world to remind us of places and things we enjoyed on earth. I have had subjects tell me they see the spirit world as true reality and Earth as an illusion created to teach us.
The conscious mind is not unconscious during hypnosis. if it were, the subject would be unable to speak to the facilitator coherently.
There are researchers who believe our eternal intelligence, involving energy imprints and memory patterns from past lives, may influence DNA. Indeed, there are countless other elements involving thought sequencing which we bring into our host body from hundreds of former lives. This also includes our experiences in the spirit world where we have no body. The former bodies we had in prior lives are almost never genetically related to our current family. The average subject has led past lives as caucasians, orientals and africans with no hereditary connections.
I divide memory into three categories:
- CONSCIOUS MEMORY-all memories retained by the brain in our biological body.
- IMMORTAL MEMORY- memories that appear to come through the subconscious mind. Greatly influenced by body functions like heart rate and glandular functions.
- DIVINE MEMORY-memories that emanate from our super conscious mind which houses the soul
Eastern philosophy holds that every thought, word and deed from every lifetime in our past, along with every event in which we participated, is recorded in the Akashic record. The word “ Akashic” essentially means the essence of all universal memory that is recording every energy vibration of existence.
When I work with clients who have committed suicide in former lives, the first thing most exclaimed right after the moment of death is, “Oh, my God, how could I have been so stupid!” These are physically healthy people, not those who are suffering from a debilitating physical illness. Suicide by a person, young or old, whose physical state has reduced the quality of their life to almost nothing is treated differently in the spirit world than those who had healthy bodies. While all suicide cases are treated with kindness and understanding, people who killed themself with a healthy body do you have a reckoning.
In suicide cases involving healthy bodies, one of two things generally happens to these souls. If they are not a repeat offender, the soul is frequently sent back to a new life rather quickly, at their own request, to make up for lost time. This could be within 5 years of their death on earth.
When there is unendurable physical suffering, we have the right to be released from the pain and indignity of being treated like helpless children connected to life-support systems. In the spirit world, I find that no stigma is attached to a soul leaving a terribly broken body who is released by his own hand or from that of a compassionate caregiver.
One thing I have learned is that people who tell me they don’t belong on Earth need to be taken seriously. They may even be potential suicide cases. In my practice, these clients fall into one of three spiritual classifications:
- Young, highly sensitive Souls who began their incarnations on Earth but have spent little time here. Certain souls in this category have had great difficulty adjusting to the human body. They feel their very existence to be threatened because it is so cruel.
- Both young and older souls who incarnated on another planet before coming to earth. If these souls lived on worlds less harsh than earth, they may be overcome by the primitive emotions and high density of the human body. These are the hybrid souls I discussed in the last chapter. Essentially, they feel they are in an alien body.
- Souls below level 3, who have been incarnating on Earth since their creation but are not merging well with their current body. These souls accepted a life contract with the host body whose physical ego mind is radically different from their Immortal soul. They cannot seem to find themselves in this particular lifetime.
For those who display a pattern of bailing out when things get rough There are places of repentance for a good purpose. These places do not contain a pantheon of horrors in some dark, lower spirit region reserved for sinners. Rather than being punished in some sort of bleak purgatory, these souls may volunteer to go to a beautiful planetary world with water, trees and mountains but no other life. They have no contact with other souls in these places of seclusion except for sporadic visits by a guide to assist them in the reflections and self-evaluation.
The basic core colors of white, yellow and blue are generated by souls are the major markers of their growing development. The pure white tones are reflected in beginner souls. It is a mark of innocence.
Certain souls carry secondary colors. These have been called Halo colors because they usually appear to the observer to be outside the core center of a soul’s energy mass.
Secondary Halo Colors:
- White: purity, clarity, restlessness
- Silver: ethereal, trust, flexibility
- Red: passion, intensity, sensitivity
- Orange: exuberant, impulsive, openness
- Yellow: protective, straight, courage
- Green: healing, nurturing, compassion
- Brown: grounded, tolerant, industrious
- Blue: knowledge, forgiveness, revelation
- Purple: wisdom, truth, divinity
It can also be true where the child who is the advanced soul lives with a parent having the younger soul.
Physical and mental health are the prime determinants in human auras.
Spiritual meditation as a means of getting in touch with our inner self is of great benefit in healing the body.
Some have noticed subjects have difficulty in producing spiritual names. They say the names of souls in their minds consist of a vibrational resonance which is impossible to translate. Our real soul names are something similar to emotions, but they are not the emotions of humans so that I can’t reproduce our names by any sound. I do have subjects in trance find it easier to spell spiritual names rather than try to pronounce them. Privacy is also a factor when I have a client who feels like giving me the name of the spirit guide would somehow compromise that relationship. Our own soul names can change a little as we evolve.
Souls who come to Earth think of themselves as becoming masked actors on a world stage. Once the play has begun most of us don’t know we are in a play until it’s over, due to a variety of amnesiac blocks. I have had clients tell me that when they returned to their soul groups after a particularly hard life there is clapping and shouts of “Bravo!” from their friends.
It takes a while for us to get rid of the density of the physical body… the constructions of it… before we are completely free.
At the beginning of their incarnations, while souls are learning to utilize unique and complex circuit patterns, they find that most human brains are not balanced between the right and left hemispheres. I am told that no two host bodies are the same in the way our brain hemispheres are linked to process critical judgment, creativity and language communication. This is a primary reason why the wiser souls join the fetus of a new body early rather than late in a mother’s term.
A physical problem may be referred discomfort from a violent past life death.
One of the most obvious differences between a courtroom on Earth and a spiritual gathering of grandmasters is the fact that everyone in the chamber is telepathic. Deception is impossible. The council is looking to see if the inner immortal character of our soul maintained its integrity in terms of values, ideals and action during incarnation.
That which you gain from each difficult life, you gain for all eternity.
I have had cases where a spouse will intentionally choose a body that has a high probability of dying young from a variety of natural causes to allow the surviving spouse to again work through grief in a more healthy fashion. Suicide is not one of these options. Suicide by a physically healthy young person is not a prearranged karmic option for anyone.
Every soul has a distinctive mental vibrational pattern, like a fingerprint. The pattern is similar to a tightly woven basket with interlocking energy strands surrounding an individual core of character. The strands are motion pictures of thought where transference is voluntary to the soul. These involve ideas, concepts, meanings, symbols and personal distinctions particular to that soul. With experience, the soul has the ability to mask any picture frame at any moment.
A single spiritual regression for the mentally healthy client can do wonders for the recognition of their inner wholeness and purpose.
All the couples (listed in text) are happily married to each other today. Their past trials in each life prepared them for the next and strengthened their bond as soulmates. Mixed into those lives where we have had a long and happy life with a soulmate are those lives where we have destroyed the relationship or been devastated by the actions of our soulmate towards us. Being with soulmates can bring joy and pain, but we learn from both. Always, there are karmic reasons behind the serious events involving relationships in our lives.
Being with the “wrong” person for a period in your life does not mean that time was wasted. The relationship was probably intended in advance.
We connect with people on many levels for a multitude of karmic lessons in everyday life.
True love makes you better than you would be without that person in your life.
Soulmates will from time to time separate for a life or two and not appear at all.
“My soulmate and I were becoming too dependent upon each other, we needed to grow a while on our own” is a statement I often hear when soulmates are apart. Every era on Earth is different as to the sort of attachment and experience we will have with a soulmate. However, each life with them builds upon former lives. We learn valuable lessons from broken relationships.
If your soulmate is supposed to appear they will come into your life, often when you least expect it.
A primary, or principal soulmate is frequently in our life as a closely bonded partner. This partnership may be our spouse, brother or sister, a best friend, or occasionally a parent. No other soul is more important to us than a primary soulmate and when my subjects describe lives with these Souls as their mates most will say their existence is enriched beyond measure. One of the greatest motivations for souls to incarnate is the opportunity for expression in physical form. This is certainly an attraction for primary soulmates. They may change genders from life to life together if they are more advanced souls. The average soul usually chooses one gender over another about 75% of the time.
I have never found a single piece of evidence in my research to support the concept of twin souls.
A sole affiliate might have a specific characteristic that is exactly what is needed to bring a karmic lesson into your life.
I assumed that when two people died together they would also enter the spirit world together. I have found this not to be true in death scenes. Small children who are killed with those who love them rise with that person. Even primary soulmates killed at the same moment will normally rise up by separate routes on their own vibrational lines. Souls are met by their guides and friends from the spirit world at the appropriate time and place. Each Soul requires their own rate of ascension, which includes orientation stops and energy rejuvenation, even if they are returning to the same soul group.
When the mind knows there’s no chance of surviving imminent devastation to the body, souls may leave a moment before actual death. In this way the soul emerges with their energy more intact.
Many soulmates have a preparation class just before their next incarnation. A feature of this dress rehearsal with our guides is a final review of important issues in the life to come. One aspect of this prep class might also include two soulmates going off alone and sending visual images to each other of what they will look like in their new human bodies and under what circumstances they are going to meet.
As a rule, members of the same soul group do not return in their next incarnations as members of the same genetic human family. It is limiting and even redundant for those who wish to learn fresh lessons to return to bodies having the same heredity, ethnicity, cultural environment, and perhaps the same geographic setting as they had in a former life.
Although souls typically do not incarnate in the same hereditary family they had in past lives, members of the same soul group most definitely choose new families where they can be together. Members of soul groups tend to be associated in each life by blood ties and geographic proximity.
I often find that a favorite grandparent in this life was a sibling or best friend in a former life.
There are souls who continuously ask for body types that challenge their weakness of soul character.
After physical death our spirit continues to carry all the fond memories of Earthly life. The poignancy of tasting food and drink, touching human bodies, the smell, sites and sounds of walking the deserts, climbing mountains and swimming in the Seas of Earth remain with the soul.
There are souls who come to Earth as invisible beings between lives so they can re-experience former physical environments. In dimensions away from ground zero on earth, images of places and the people who once lived here are frozen in a timeless vacuum that never vanishes from existence.
Spirits have the capability between lives of expressing love even more intimately than on Earth.
Xenophobia does not exist in the spirit world (the fear or hatred of people who are perceived as different from oneself, often based on their nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion.
- Souls who are either unable or unwilling to function individually. These souls usually work within collectives and never seem to leave the spirit world. Even so, I am told all souls are given the opportunity to experiment with existing in both physical and mental universes.
- Souls who do not wish to incarnate in physical form
- Souls who incarnate only on physical worlds
- Souls who have both the ability and desire to function in all types of physical and mental environments
Once reaching level 3, I find that Souls begin to rise much more rapidly into the advanced levels.
We are given many host bodies and all of them are imperfect. Rather than being obsessive about a body which will only last one lifetime, concentrate on the evolution of your soul self and rely on your spiritual power.
We were created and sent to Earth to problem solve within the matrix of an intelligent life form living in a difficult environment which involves suffering but also great beauty and promise.
Souls who work with living organisms are designer souls who are biologists and botanists of the spirit world and they say that extraterrestrial life exists on billions of planets.
There are physical worlds consisting of fire, water, ice or gas where all manner of intelligent life thrives.
Most people have dreams of being able to fly. This probably relates more to our memories of floating around as a soul in a disembodied state than being a flying creature in a former life.
(Upon speaking to a subject): My incarnations were on a mental world. We were all hermaphrodites. In my dimension movement is like going through soft, translucent filaments of light. Coming into this universe is like plowing through thick, heavy, moisture-laden fog. Earth feels like having concrete tied to your feet. The first thing you notice is the heavy weight of the dense energy here compared to a mental world. It isn’t just heavy- it’s coarse… severe. As I pass through dimensions the First Dimension is a sphere full of colors and violet explosions of light, sound and energy… I think it is still forming. The next is black and empty- we call it the unused sphere. Then there is a beautiful dimension which has both physical and mental worlds composed of gentle emotion, tender elements and keen thought. This Dimension is superior to my original dimension and your universe as well.
The place of future life selection is seen as a sphere containing highly concentrated force fields of glowing energy screens; characterized as “The Ring Of Destiny”. It is where we first Behold our next body. The ring displays futuristic scenes of events in people the soul will encounter in the life to come. They want to actually experience snippets of future events in certain bodies before making any final decisions. The preference to enter a scene or just observe is always left up to the individual soul. The key viewing years of a new life seem to be between 8- 20, when the first major Forks in life begin to emerge. We are not really prepared for the choices offered to us once we enter the life selection room. There’s a sense of wonder and even some apprehension for the average soul.
“This body will give me the maximum experience I need in my future life” is a common thought. During the choosing there is always a preferred body choice that the planners feel is best. This body is given a prominent presentation.
In the screening room I saw three choices of death. Was there any chance you might live? That would defeat the purpose of my joining with that body.
Karma does not only pertain to our deeds, it is internal as well, reflecting our thoughts, feelings and impulses.
A poignant example of someone preparing for a trial is a selection of a homosexual body. Since a predisposition to being a gay or lesbian person is essentially biological and not the result of social learning or environment, these bodies are picked by souls for two basic reasons. As I have said before, at levels I and II many souls choose bodies of one particular gender around 75% of the time because they are comfortable being a male or female. I find that my gay and lesbian clients have started the process of alternating gender choices in their lives, which is reflective of the more developed soul. Choosing to be a gay male or lesbian female is one means of affecting that transition in a particular life. The second and far more important factor is souls choosing a gay or lesbian orientation in advance of the life they are now living because they deliberately chose to exist in a society that would be prejudiced against them. My gay and lesbian clients are usually not young, inexperienced souls. If they go public, this means these people have decided to live a life where they will be swimming upstream in a culture with rigid gender role stereotypes. They must try and rise above public abuse in order to find self-esteem and self identity. I had a client tell me, “ I needed to experience this discrimination- to feel unsafe and vulnerable.”
Destiny represents the sum of our deeds over thousands of years and a multitude of incarnations. In all these lives we had freedom of choice. Our current life represents all past experiences both pleasant and unpleasant, and so we are the product of all our former choices. Add to this the fact that we may have deliberately placed ourselves in situations that test how we will react to events that are current life.
Reincarnation would mean nothing if all life was predetermined. People who have premonitions about the future may be right or wrong. If someone saw themselves being killed in a certain place and time and it didn’t happen, this potential causality could mean it was only the most dire of alternative possibilities.
Earth is considered by souls to be a very difficult school.
We knew many of the challenges in advance of our life and chose them for good reasons. Accidents involving our bodies are not considered to be accidental by the soul. More important than the events that test us in life is our reaction to these events and how we handle the consequences. This is the primary reason for conscious amnesia. Amnesia allows for free will and self-determination without the constraints of the unconscious flashback memories about what we viewed in the screening room. We will be given the opportunity to review all the major alternatives after the life is over.
It was no accident she was assigned to an overly strict religious household as a child, which would drive her away from old, conditioned behavior patterns into new paths of thought. She saw that her freedom to make new choices and rely on her gut feelings gave her permission to undertake the search. Uncertainty in life is frequently an outgrowth of former life patterns and obsessions.
If the lost child was a teenager, or older, the karmic forces that led to the death customarily relate directly to the young person and not so much to the parent.
I have never had a single case where a soul joined the fetus in the first trimester. The reason that Souls do not begin their complex merger with a fetus under 3 months is quite simply because there is not enough brain tissue for them to work with at this stage. There is a universal consciousness of love surrounding all unborn babies. If a mother aborts her child in the first trimester, there are loving spiritual forces hovering nearby to comfort this mother and watch over the child. I have been told that even in cases of miscarriages and abortions between four and nine months, Souls can be in place to support both the child and mother and a more direct physical manner with energy. Souls know in advance of probabilities of being of the baby going to term.
Souls are not assigned to babies at random. When a mother loses her child for whatever reason, I have found the odds are quite high that the soul of this baby will return again to the same mother with her next child. If this mother does not bear another child, the soul may return to another close member of the family because that was the original intent.
Although the physical organism of the body will die, the soul who occupied that body never forgets the host which allowed them to experience Earth in a particular time and place. We have seen how Souls can remember and recreate who they were in certain timelines.
I will receive my mother’s emotional feelings during pregnancy more than her clear thoughts. That’s how I know if the baby is wanted or not, and this makes a difference in the baby getting a good or bad start.
When I enter a developing brain I am accustomed to joining around the fourth month- our guides give us some latitude here- but I never enter after the 6 month.
Another case discusses entering the current body in the 8th month. I prefer to enter on the late side when the brain is larger so I have more to work with during the coupling. I want to be able to talk with a child when there is more mutual awareness. Talk to a fetus? What do you mean? Well, of course we interact with the child. The child may say who are you and I answer a friend who has come to play and be a part of you. Most of the babies just accept me as being part of themselves. I talk to my body as a second entity up to the age of 6. I have noticed a lot of young children talk to themselves as if they were with an imaginary playmate. Is that their soul? That’s right, Although our guides enjoy playing with us as young children too.
The Soul’s Essence is unable to express itself through a chemically addicted mind. The benefits of amnesia may no longer outweigh the drawbacks of lives existing within a vacuum of chemically induced apathy. There are too many people trying to escape from reality because they do not see their identity as having purpose or meaning.
Visions of the afterlife lie within each of us as a sanctuary while we travel the maze of Earth’s pathways.
If there is no inner peace, it does not matter what sort of spiritual affiliation you have.
You were not given your body by a chance of nature. It was selected for you by spiritual advisors and after previewing their offerings of other host bodies, you agree to accept the body you have now. Thus, you are not a victim of circumstance. We must not lose sight of the idea that we accepted this sacred contract of life and this means the roles we plan on Earth are actually greater than ourselves.
Spiritual Insight comes to us in quiet, introspective, subtle moments which are manifested by the power of a single thought.
I believe it is vital to our mental health that we laugh at ourselves and the foolish predicaments we get into along the road. Life is full of conflicts and the struggle, pain and happiness we experience are all reasons for our being here. Each day is a new beginning.
Coming to Earth is about traveling away from our home to a foreign land. Some things seem familiar but most are strange until we get used to them, especially conditions which are unforgiving. Our real home is a place of absolute peace, total acceptance and complete love. As Souls separated from our home we can no longer assume these beautiful features will be present around us. On Earth we must learn to cope with intolerance, anger and sadness while searching for joy and love. We must not lose our integrity along the way, sacrificing goodness for survival and acquiring attitudes either superior or inferior to those around us. We know that living in an imperfect world will help us to appreciate the true meaning of perfection. We ask for courage and humility before our journey into another life. As we grow in awareness so will the quality of our existence. This is how we are tested. Passing this test is our destiny.
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