ANATOMY OF THE SPIRIT by Caroline Myss is such a beautiful book. I truly loved learning about her gifts of medical healing and learning about power and healing. The connection of our Chakra’s and how they are related to our life and disease. This book is incredible! Below are my favorite excerpts:
The soul in every person craves contact with the sacred. We long to experience “awe”. That need in us is what draws us to beautiful sunsets and sunrises and mountain tops and seashores. We want to be overwhelmed by something greater than ourselves that is unexplainable by the ordinary mind. We are forever positioning ourselves to tempt our soul to show itself to us in some tangible way.
The soul is the power battery of the human life and all that a person’s life includes. I know that now. The strength of the soul is pure titanium.
I did not include the mystical or spiritual details of how this book came to be written in the preface or introduction of this book 20 years ago. Not only did that part of my story seem out of sync with the message of the book at the time, but I had yet to truly realize what a profoundly sacred moment I had been given. I had yet to realize, however, that I have an odd quirk that I discovered while attempting to write Energy Anatomy: once I write about a subject or record a lecture on a particular topic, the energy or inspiration for the topic is gone. My connection to what I can only describe as the “realm of original thought” becomes distant or deanimated. And I cannot retrieve it.
I felt this inner sensation, this “download” enter my entire being. I kept staring at the flip chart as the “download” connected with my intellect. In one microsecond, I comprehended every detail of what would become the contents of Anatomy of the Spirit, including details I did not consciously know, such as specifics on the Tree of Life. I was having an inner vision. Inner visions are not the same as the way you see and what you see with your physical eyes. An inner vision is a mystical perception, and experience of seeing/ knowing/ understanding/ absorbing/ grasping a new realization all simultaneously.
Understand that every choice you make- every single choice- is a contract with creation itself.
Our spirit is very much a part of our daily lives; it embodies our thoughts and emotions, and it records every one of them, from the most mundane into the visionary.
“Let me walk you back through your life and through each of the relationships of your life,” it said. “ Let me walk with you through all the fears you’ve had, and let me show you how those fears controlled you for so long that the energy of life can no longer nurture you.”
I have worked wholeheartedly as a medical intuitive. This means that I use my intuitive ability to help people understand the emotional, psychological, and spiritual energy that lies at the root of their illness, dis-ease, or life crisis. I can sense the type of illness that has developed, often before the individual is even aware of having an illness at all.
I have identified the emotional and psychological causes of illness. Unquestionably, a strong link exists between physical and emotional stresses and specific illnesses. My particular insights, however, have shown me that emotional and spiritual stresses or dis-eases are the root causes of all physical illnesses. People who come to me with heart disease have had life experiences that led them to block out intimacy or love from their lives. People with low back pain have had persistent financial worries; people with cancer often have unresolved connections with the past, unfinished business and emotional issues; people with blood disorders frequently have deep-seated conflicts with their families of origin. Very little is created “ randomly” in our bodies or, for that matter, in our lives.
“Healing” does not always mean that the physical body recovers from an illness. This kind of spiritual release and healing can occur even though one’s body may be dying physically.
We are meant to discover both our personal power and our shared purpose for being alive within a spiritual context.
Norm and I hold a program on the science of intuition at his farm in Springfield, Missouri which is aimed at teaching people to use intuition as a normal part of their perceptual skills.
As Larry Dossey, M.D. writes in Meaning and Medicine, we need to practice “Era III Medicine”- therapies that combine spiritual and physical, holistic and allopathic approaches to physical and emotional healing.
A Native American woman in her early eighties, Rachel, said “you are born into life to care for each other and for the earth”. And then you receive word that your time is coming to an end, and you must make the proper arrangements to depart, leaving behind “no unfinished business”. You must make your apologies, pass on your tribal responsibilities, and accept from the tribe its gratitude and love for your time with them. Simple as that.”
Positive and negative experiences register a memory and cell tissue as well as in the energy field.
Our bodies contain our histories- every chapter, line, and verse of every event and relationship in our lives.
When exhaustion continues, even when the person is getting more sleep, the body is trying to communicate that the person is “energetically ill”. Prolonged depression often precedes the development of a physical illness. Prolonged depression inevitably creates chronic exhaustion.
To create disease, negativity has to become the dominant emotion.To create disease, negative emotions have to be dominant, and what accelerates the process is knowing the negative thought to be toxic but giving it permission to thrive in your consciousness anyway.
The idea that biography becomes biology implies that we participate to some degree in the creation of illness. People rarely choose consciously to create illness. Rather, illnesses develop as a consequence of behavioral patterns and attitudes that we do not realize are biologically toxic until they have already become so.
They are identifying how they are losing power. I call such people acquisitioners. The most extreme type of acquisitioner is the addict. The targets to which acquisitioners connect their energy circuits are people or objects to which they have surrendered- specifically, the power to control them. It is not the mind but our emotional needs that control our attachment to our power targets. Acquisitioners inevitably find using their intuition extremely difficult.
Some are afraid to leave their partner or their job, While others are trying to find a way to live with a situation that is incompatible with their emotional needs. I can’t begin to calculate the number of times people have said, “ I think I was better off before I realized how unhappy I was.”
Once we make conscious our emotional needs, however, it’s impossible to forget them. The ability to choose is an active power- and the sensation of having active power is both thrilling and threatening, because it makes us want to change those parts of our lives that are no longer appropriate.
There are not many ways to successfully introduce your personal needs into a circumstance that was created before you realize what your personal needs were.
Active power types are “self–motivators”- they believe self-care is a priority, and their energy circuits are attached to awareness, strength, and emotional stamina. A self-motivator is able to do whatever is required to maintain the balance of body, mind, and soul. In the process of healing, they learn to detach themselves from objects or people who are drawing the strength right out of their bodies. The necessity of change makes healing a terrifying experience for many people.
Symbolic Sight is the ability to use your intuition to interpret the power symbols in your life.
The energy part of yourself is a transmitter and recorder of all your thoughts and interactions. Keep in mind at all times that your biography becomes your biology.
Learn what rather than who draws power from you. Understand that the person who seems to be drawing your energy is actually only a reflection of some part of yourself. In effect, that person serves as your teacher. Your task is to learn the lesson that the teacher has for you rather than to resent the teacher.
The task is to move through your wounds, not to live in them. Don’t waste time by thinking, acting, or praying like a victim. Feeling victimized only adds to your illness, and should it become a full-time state of mind, it would qualify as an illness in itself.
The seven sacred truths of the kabbalah, the Christian sacraments, and the Hindu chakras support our gradual transformation into conscious spiritual adults.
If we ignore our responsibility and need to address consciously the seven spiritual lessons, however, their energy can manifest itself in illness.
The qualities in the ten sefirot, the Christian sacraments, and the chakra system are virtually identical. The only difference is in how the powers are numbered.
That which serves our Spirits enhances our bodies. that which diminishes our Spirits diminishes our bodies.
We are born with an inherent knowledge of these seven truths woven into our energy system. Violating these truths weakens both our spirit and our physical body, while honoring them enhances the strength of our spirit and our physical body.
In Eastern spiritual terms, every action creates karma. Acts of awareness create good karma; acts of fear or negativity create bad karma.
Three truths are common to the spiritual traditions and to the principles of medical intuition:
- Misdirecting the power of one spirit will generate consequences to one’s body and life
- Every human being will encounter a series of challenges that test his allegiance to heaven. These tests will come in the form of the disintegration of one’s physical power base: the inevitable loss of wealth, family, health, or worldly power. The loss will activate a crisis of faith, forcing one to ask,”what is it, or who is it, that I have faith in?” or “ into whose hands have I commended my spirit?” Apart from such major losses, the trigger that causes people to seek deeper meaning and psychological and spiritual “ascension” is usually a physical disorder that creates a personal or professional earthquake. We all tend to look upward when the ground beneath our feet shifts out of control.
- To heal from the misdirection of one spirit, one has to be willing to act to release the past, cleanse one’s spirit, and return to the present moment. “Believe as if it were true now” is a spiritual command from The Book of Daniel to visualize or pray in present time.
We have a spiritual need to accept fully our family of origin as having been “divinely chosen” for teaching us the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime.
By far the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person.
An empty heart creates an empty life, often resulting in illness- a concrete expression of disharmony that hopefully will get the mind’s attention.
That one choice, made in faith and trust, allows Divine authority to enter our lives and reorder our struggles and to successes and our wounds into streets. while we may or may not consciously desire to surrender our personal will to Divine authority, we are sure to encounter numerous opportunities to do so. and incentive to make that choice lies in the life stories- and life struggles- of people who experience nothing but pain and failure until they said to god, “ you take over”. extraordinary acts of synchronicity then filled their lives, and new relationships to their hearts. I have yet to meet the person who ever regretted saying to Divine, “All yours.”
Lying is a violation of both body and spirit because the human energy system identifies lies as poison. Spirit and body alike require honesty and integrity to thrive. We violate and poison ourselves when we do not speak the truth.
We are not designed to be critical of others or ourselves; we think ill of others only out of fear.
The major emotion behind breast lumps and breast cancer is hurt, sorrow, and unfinished emotional business generally related to nurturance.
It is important to look into what it means to unplug from a belief pattern that has no truth but nonetheless has “power” over you.
People are taught to treat others with respect; yet parents who do not show respect themselves produce children who become disrespectful adults. without the moral stability of a code of honorable behavior, children grow into adults who cannot create stable lives for themselves.
When you don’t trust yourself, everyone and everything around you feels temporary and fragile because that is how you feel within yourself.
We must strive not to become bitter or cling to victimhood when we are betrayed or cannot attain what we want, as did the woman who developed cancer as a result of her betrayal experience.
The illnesses that originate in this energy center are activated by the fear of losing control. Prostate or ovarian cancer, chronic pain in the lower back and hips, and arthritis are a few of the more common health problems. Problems at menopause, such as hot flashes and depression, are second chakra energy dysfunctions.
Second chakra energy
Blocking this energy can give rise to impotence, infertility, vaginal infections, endometriosis, and depression. Survival is a major issue of the second chakra. Gossip and manipulation drain power from the second chakra. Most problems with bleeding and irregular periods frequently come from having too much emotional stress combined with the belief that one has no power over one’s life choices.
Tubal problems and problems with fertility are centered on a women’s “inner child”. The flow of eggs can be blocked because a woman’s own inner being is not “old” or nurtured enough, or mature or healed enough, to feel fertile.
Although people appear to get away with criminal behavior, especially in incidents of rape or incest, justice is always served at the energy level, whether or not anyone witnesses it.
Energies of the second chakra subtly bring up memories that need to be released, constantly presenting us with the desire to act to become more whole in body and spirit.
Physical body cannot endure prolonged stress without producing negative biological response. Ulcers and migraines are two of the more common indicators that the chaos in a person’s life has become unbearable.
The energy of vengeance is one of the most toxic emotional poisons to our biological system, causing dysfunctions ranging from impotence to cancers of the genital area.
The Solar Plexus, is our personal power center, the magnetic core of the personality and ego. The illnesses that originate here are activated by issues related to self-responsibility, self-esteem, fear of rejection, and an oversensitivity to criticism.
Primary Fears: fear’s of rejection, criticism, looking foolish, and feeling to meet one’s responsibilities, all fears related to physical appearance such as fear of obesity, baldness, or aging, fears that others will discover our secrets.
Nothing in the physical world can contain or limit the power of the human spirit. The woman may never regain the use of her legs, but she still has the power to decide whether being in a wheelchair will handicap her spirit.
You have the choice to believe that the non-physical world of Divine energy has more authority than the physical world of form and matter.
Every time we advance in self-esteem, even in a small measure, we have to change something about our external dynamics.
Stage One: Revolution
The first stage of self-discovery is revolution. Developing self-esteem requires an act of revolution, or several mini- revolutions, in which we begin to separate from group thought and establish our own sense of authority. We may suddenly realize we hold an opinion different from our family or our peers. The act of finding our own voice, even in mid-revolutions, is spiritually significant. The exploration of our interior self is vital.
Stage Two: Involution
Every new situation, information pours into our gut. We assess our external world and how well it is serving our needs.
Stage Three: Narcissism
A narcissistic birthing of a new image of oneself. Narcissism is sometimes an extremely necessary energy for us as we work to develop a strong sense of self. It gives us a backbone to recreate ourselves and our boundaries in the face of opposition.
Stage Four: Evolution
The last stage in developing self-esteem is an internal one. People who can maintain their principles, their dignity, and their faith without compromising any energy from their Spirit are internally evolved. People like Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Nelson Mandela. All three of these people were, incidentally, thought to be narcissistic during some stage of their development.
Our bodies thrive when our spirits thrive.
Ask yourself, “Are you able to admit it when you’re wrong?” “Are you critical of others?” “Do you need to blame others as a way of protecting yourself?” “Are you open to feedback from other people about yourself?” “Are you afraid of responsibility?” or “Do you feel responsible for everything and everyone?”
The Fourth Chakra: Emotional Power
A central Powerhouse of the human energy system that mediates between the body and spirit and determines their health and strength.
Emotional energy is a true motivator of the human body and spirit.
We are not born fluent in love but spend our life learning about it.
The symbolic meaning of the sacrament of Marriage is that one must be in union with one’s own personality and spirit first. After one has a clear inner understanding of oneself, one can create a successful intimate partnership.
Anger, bitterness, rage, and resentment handicapped the healing process, or aborted entirely. There is great power and having a will to heal, and without that internal power, a disease usually has its way with the physical body.
The Seventh Chakra-
Directly aligned to seek an intimate relationship with the divine. Its location is the top of the head. It’s the entry point for the human life force. The energy of the seventh chakra influences that of the major body systems: the central nervous system, the muscular system, and the skin.
This intuitive sense of connection is moving us as a planet toward a holistic understanding of health and disease, of the environment and its biodiversity, and of social priorities for service and charity.
We can transcend every dilemma through the power of our spirits; that is a divine promise.
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