THE SEAT OF THE SOUL by Gary Zukav is hands down one of the best books I have ever read! This book presents the largest picture possible of an entire species transforming from a limited perception and brutal means of evolution into awareness of itself and its world as wondrous and spiritual growth as its means of evolution.
My favorite excerpts are below:
Substantive and deep relationships for the purpose of spiritual growth are called- Spiritual Partnerships.
Your personality, like your body, is the vehicle of your evolution.
Your soul is that part of you that is immortal. Every person has a soul, but a personality that is limited in its perception to the 5 senses is not aware of its soul, and, therefore, cannot recognize the influences of its soul. As a personality becomes multisensory, its intuitions- its hunches and subtle feelings- become important to it. It senses things about itself, other people, and the situations in which it finds itself that it cannot justify on the basis of the information that its 5 senses can provide.
When a multisensory personality looks inside itself, it finds a multitude of different currents. Through experience, it learns to distinguish between these currents and to identify the emotional, psychological, and physical effects of each. It learns, for example, which currents produce anger, divisive thoughts, and destructive actions, and which currents produce love, healing thoughts, and constructive actions. In time, it learns to value and to identify with those currents that generate creativity, healing, and love, and to challenge and release those currents that create negativity, disharmony, and violence. In this way, a personality comes to experience the energy of its soul.
Every experience that you have and will have upon the Earth encourages the alignment of your personality with your soul.
This belief reflects the perspective of the five-sensory personality. Nothing of itself lasts beyond its lifetime. The multisensory human understands that nothing of itself lasts beyond its lifetime, but it is also aware of its immortal soul.
Souls that have chosen the physical experience of life as we know it as a path of evolution, have, in general, incarnated their energies many times into many psychological and physical forms. For each incarnation, the soul creates a different personality and body.
Each personality contributes, in its own special way, with its own special aptitudes and lessons to learn, consciously or unconsciously, to the evolution of its soul. The experiences of love, vulnerability, fear, loss, and tenderness; the struggles with anger, defiance, emptiness, and jealousy- all serve to evolution of the soul. Each physical, emotional, and psychological characteristic that comprises a personality and its body- strong or weak arms, dense or penetrating intellect, happy or despairing disposition, yellow or black skin, evsen hair and eye color- is perfectly suited to its soul’s purpose.
A conscious lifetime, therefore, is a treasure beyond value. The personality and its body are artificial aspects of the soul. When they have served their functions, at the end of the soul’s incarnation, the soul releases them. They come to an end, but the soul does not. After an incarnation, the soul returns to its immortal and timeless state. It returns once again to its natural state of compassion, clarity, and boundless love.
Countless lifetimes, some of them physical and some of them nonphysical. The soul chooses, voluntarily, to undertake this experience in order to heal. The splintered aspects of the soul, the aspects that require healing, need to interact in physical matter so that each part of the splinteredness can become whole.
The soul is. It has no beginning and no end but flows toward wholeness.
The personality sometimes appears as a force running rampant in the world with no attachment to the energy of its soul. This situation can be the origin of what we call an evil human being, and it can be the origin of a schizophrenic human being. It is the result of the personality being unable to find its reference point, or connection, to its mothership, which is its soul.
A personalized statement of karma would be, “You receive from the world what you give to the world”. Morality is a human creation. The Universe does not judge.
For example, a personality that takes advantage of others creates an imbalance of energy that must be righted by the experience of being taken advantage of by others. If that cannot be accomplished within the lifetime of this personality, another its soul’s personalities will experience being taken advantage of by other people.
Each of these responses creates karma, another imbalance of energy which, in turn, must be balanced.
If a child dies early in its life, we do not know what agreement was made between that child’s soul and the souls of its parents, or what healing was served by that experience.
In order to become whole, the soul must balance its energy. It must experience the effects that is has caused.
When we see a person sleeping in the gutter in the winter. We do not know what is being completed for that soul.
It is appropriate that we respond to his or her circumstance with compassion, but it is not appropriate that we perceive it as unfair, because it is not.
A person that is engaging in violence is hurting deeply, because a healthy and balanced soul is incapable of harming another.
When we judge, we create negative karma. Judgement is a function of the personality.
The road to your soul is through your heart.
Actions and reactions in the physical arena set energy into motion, forming our experiences and revealing in the process the lessons that the soul has yet to learn.
The karmic obligation= the energy imbalance.
Our species has become arrogant. We behave as though the Earth were ours to do with as we please. We pollute its land, oceans, and atmosphere to satisfy our needs without thinking of the needs of the other life forms that live upon the Earth, or of the needs of the Earth. We believe that we are conscious and that the Universe is not. We think and act as though our existence as living forces in the Universe will end with this lifetime, and that we are responsible neither to others nor to the Universe.
Reverence is an attitude of honoring Life.
A disempowered person is a frightened person, and if a frightened person has no sense of reverence, he or she will harm or kill indiscriminately.
If we perceived Life with reverence, and understood our evolutionary process, we would stand in awe at the experience of physical Life and walk the Earth in a very deep sense of gratitude.
A reverent politician is a person who challenges the concept of external power, and brings to the political arena the concerns of the heart.
Emotions are currents of energy that pass through us.
The multisensory human does not need to rely solely upon his or her own perceptions and interpretations of events for guidance, because he or she is in conscious communication with other, more advanced intelligences. They have conscious access to compassionate and impersonal help in the analysis of his or her possible choices, their probable consequences.
The five sensory human must learn primarily through his or her physical experiences, and this learning takes longer because lessons that are learned in this way must come through the density of physical matter.
Impulses, hunches, sudden insights, and subtle insights have assisted us on our evolutionary path since the origin of our species.
From the multisensory point of view, insights, intuitions, hunches, and inspirations are messages from the soul, or from advanced intelligences that assist the soul on its evolutionary journey. The multisensory personality, therefore, honors intuition in a way that the five sensory personality does not.
When you ask the Universe, ‘Help me to see’; you may not always be capable of hearing the answers. The answers may not always come in the ways that you expect, but they always come. Sometimes an answer occurs in the form of a feeling- a yes feeling or a no feeling, sometimes in the form of a memory, or a thought, sometimes in a dream, sometimes in the form of a realization that is prompted by an experience that will occur the next day.
No question is unheard, and no question goes unanswered. “Ask and you shall receive” is the rule, but you must learn how to ask and how to receive.
The first of these is to honor emotional cleansing at all times. If you are emotionally blocked and you cannot, or you do not, know what you feel, or if you have blocked what you feel so effectively that you become emotionless, you become a negative person, and you also create a physically diseased body. By keeping your emotions clear, emotional negativity does not reside in you, and you become lighter and lighter. This opens your intuitive track because it allows you a clear sense of loving. It brings you closer to unconditional love and renders you harmless. It lightens the quality of your frequency, so to speak, and therefore the guidance that you receive is clear and unobstructed as it enters your system.
What is intuition and how does it work? Intuition is perception beyond the physical senses that is meant to assist you. Your intuitional system is part of your incarnation.
So powerful is the energy of the soul that it could not advance into a physical form without, literally, exploding that form. In the creation of a personality, the soul calibrates parts of itself, reduces parts of itself, to take on the human experience. Picture a cup, a gallon, and a water tank. The water tank is the soul. An aspect of the soul becomes a gallon. That gallon is still soul, but not the fullness of the soul. It is part of the soul that is on mission, so to speak. The personality is the cup. The cup contacts the gallon, the higher self soul, but not the full-bodied water tank.
Intuition can also receive information from other souls of higher process, souls that are not its own soul. Sources of guidance other than your own higher self can come across on the same radio station.
The experience of intuition cannot be explained in terms of the five senses, because it is the voice of the nonphysical world.
Nonphysical reality is your home. You came from nonphysical reality, you will return to nonphysical reality, and the larger part of you currently resides in, and evolves in, nonphysical reality.
You are a system of Light, as are all beings. The frequency of you Light depends upon your consciousness. When you shift the level of your consciousness, you shift the frequency of your Light.
Physical Light travels at a certain velocity. It cannot go faster. The Light of your soul is instantaneous.
In the place that you now sit exist many different beings, or groups of beings, each active and evolving in its own reality and in its own way. These realities commingle with yours in the same way that microwave radiation exists alongside of visible light, but is undetectable to the human eye.
There is much that the five sensory personality is unaware of, and much that even a fully empowered multisensory personality will not remember until, at the end of its life, it returns to nonphysical reality. You are not aware of the many lifetimes of the past and future personalities of your soul, for example, but the intensity of parts of your being derives directly from these lifetimes, just as do some of your relationships.
Each human soul has both guides and Teachers. A guide is not a Teacher. Guides are what might be thought of as experts in certain fields that are called in for consultation. If you are writing a book, for example, or creating a project, or organizing an event, a guide that has the quality of warmth, or creativity, or insight that you wish to incorporate into your work is available to you.
A nonphysical Teacher brings you ever closer to your soul. The vertical path is the path of awareness. It is the path of consciousness and conscious choice. The person who chooses to advance his or her spiritual growth, to cultivate awareness of his or her higher self, is on a vertical path. The vertical path is the path of clarity. The horizontal path is the path that satisfies your personality. It does not serve his or her spiritual growth.
To experience relationships of substance and depth requires approaching and entering into relationships with consciousness and concern for the other. That is the vertical path.
Guides and Teachers assist the soul in every phase of its evolution. The number of guides and Teachers that a soul has depends upon what it seeks to accomplish and its level of awareness. Souls that take upon themselves projects of more magnitude bring to themselves more assistance. Your soul knows its guides and Teachers. It drew upon their wisdom and compassion in charting the incarnation that became you, and that part of your soul that is you will be gathered into their waiting arms when the incarnation that is you comes to an end-when you go home. You receive loving guidance and assistance at each moment. At each moment, you are prompted and encouraged to move into Light.
Adam and Eve, the male and female principles within the Garden of Eden, took the apple symbolically, and misused knowledge. Their choice was to misuse knowledge, and, therefore, they created shame. That was not part of the human design up to that point. The misuse of knowledge, of truth, of wisdom, produced embarrassment and shame. That gave rise to guilt. Guilt gave rise to fear, and so began the evolution of the human species.
The decision to take the apple in the Garden of Eden story does not refer to one decision that was made by two humans who really existed in such a setting. It was not a decision such as you or I would make in terms of, “Do I Choose this or that?” The Garden of Paradise story describes the beginning of the whole experience of Earth and the human species.
Gaia, the Earth’s Soul, which itself is developing its personality and soulhood.
The next layer of your reality is your race. If you are black, you-your soul-has chosen to participate in the evolution of what it is to be a black human.
You are the product of the karma of your soul.
If you do not reach this awareness by the time you return home, your soul will continue this lesson through the experience of another lifetime. What is not learned is each lifetime is carried over into other lifetimes, along with new lessons that arise for the soul to learn, new karmic obligations that result from the responses of its personality to the situations that it encounters. The lessons that the soul has learned also are brought forward into other lifetimes, and this is how the soul evolves.
The human emotional spectrum can be broken down into two basic elements: love and fear.
Your intentions create the reality that you experience. Therefore, be mindful of what you project. That is the first step toward authentic power.
The karma of the soul determines the characteristics of the personality.
When the soul returns to its home, what has been accumulated in that lifetime is assessed with the loving assistance of its Teachers and guides.
If the soul sees that it is necessary, it will choose, also with the help of its Teachers and guides, another incarnation. It will draw to itself the guides and Teachers that are appropriate to what it seeks to accomplish. It will consult with other souls whose evolution, like its own, will be mutually served by interactions within the physical arena. Then it will untake again the massive, voluntary reduction of its energy, the infusion of its energy into matter, the calibration of its energy to an appropriate scale and range of frequencies, that is an incarnation into the learning environment of the Earth school, and the process begins again.
We believe that what we can see and smell and touch and feel and taste is all there is to the world.
The underlying premise of a spiritual partnership is a sacred commitment between the partners to assist each other’s spiritual growth.
Spiritual partners are able to see clearly that there is indeed a deeper reason why they are together, and that that reason has a great deal to do with the evolution of their souls.
What makes a spiritual, or sacred, partnership is that the souls within the partnership understand that they are together in a committed relationship, but the commitment is not to physical security. It is rather to be with each other’s physical lives as they reflect spiritual consciousness.
The commitment of spiritual partners is to each other’s spiritual growth, recognizing that that is what each of them is doing on Earth, and that everything serves that.
Spiritual partners bond with an understanding that they are together because it is appropriate for their souls to grow together. The duration of their partnership is determined by how long it is appropriate for their evolution to be together. It is appropriate for spiritual partners to remain together only as long as they grow together.
The soul is the energy of Universal Love, wisdom, and compassion. As the personality becomes whole and empowered, it becomes content to let the illusion play.
When it becomes necessary, for example, for the physical, emotional body of a person to heal, a dramatic shift in nutrition is often required wherein a person must release every one of his or her eating habits and take on the habits of eating certain foods that are much higher in vibration.
Recognize that the Universe backs the part of you that is of clearest intention.
Temptation is a dress rehearsal for a karmic experience of negativity.
The Light-bringing energy, the Luciferic energy, that tempted the person Jesus of Nazareth who became the Christ, and that tempted the person Siddhartha Gautama who became the Buddha, is the same energy that tempts you. It tempts the accountant to steal, the student to cheat, the spouse to adultery, the human being to external power. It opposes the Light of your immortal soul to the physical light of your personality.
There is much joy in the nonphysical world when a soul releases major negativity and the quality of its consciousness shifts upward into higher frequencies of Light.
All that the human experience is about is the journey toward wholeness.
When you have worked hard, take the time to appreciate what you have done. Join your nonphysical Teachers and guides in applauding what you have accomplished. Allow yourself to rest when you need it and to recognize when you become exhausted.
There are certain growing dynamics that can occur only within the dynamics of commitment. Without commitment, you cannot learn to see others as your soul sees them; as beautiful and powerful spirits of Light.
The archetype of spiritual partnership- partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth- is emerging within our species. This is different from the archetype of marriage, which was designed to assist physical survival, and in which the partners do not necessarily see themselves as equals. When individuals enter into a marriage, the ability of each to survive physically is enhanced. They are more capable together of finding fire, shelter, food, and water and of defending themselves, than they are individually. The marriage archetype reflects the perception of power as external. The archetype of spiritual partnership reflects the conscious journey of multisensory humans toward authentic power. Spiritual partners recognize the existence of the soul, and consciously seek to further its evolution.
The soul process moves through degrees of awareness. Animals, for example, do not have individual souls. They have group souls. Each animal is a part of a group soul. Each horse is part of the group soul of horse, each cat is a part of the group soul of cat, and so on. A group soul is not the same as an individual soul.
The dolphin soul is leaving the Earth, that is, the dolphin species is becoming extinct. The dolphins are beaching themselves. They are creating diseases within themselves. This is their way of refusing to continue to live upon the Earth. They feel that they cannot fulfill the purpose for which they are born. Therefore, they are leaving. Their deaths are not suicides because they are not frightened. They are exhausted.
When you leave your physical body and journey home to your nonphysical plane of reality, you will not exist in dualism, and that sense of the wrathful, or sorrowful, or fearful self that you think of as present to you now will evaporate. It has no power in the realm beyond duality where there exists the perfection of all that is. When you leave your physical form, you will join the nonphysical level of reality that is appropriate to your vibrational frequency at the time that you leave your incarnation.
There are many forms of Life that exist as advancements of this one. There are literally millions of options. There is life in numerous galaxies. There are millions, indeed, billions of other life-filled planets. There is no one planet that lacks a level of active consciousness, some of which is akin to our human form, and some of which does not come close to our form.
Evil Spirits, ghosts, or possessions- these spirits choose to remain Earthbound, within the Earth’s auric field. Are they evil? They are negative, yes, but that is part of the law of attraction; their own energy is drawn to like forces of energy, or life forces of weakness. Within this realm, these spirits can create additional negative karma by pursuing malevolence.
It is the health of the soul that is the true purpose of the human experience. Everything serves that.
Psychology means soul knowledge. It means the study of the spirit, but it has never been that. Psychology is the study of cognitions, perceptions, and affects. It is the study of the personality.
Because psychology is based upon the perceptions of the five-sensory personality, it is not able to recognize the soul. It is not able to understand the dynamics that underlie the values and behaviors of the personality. Just as medicine seeks to heal the body without recognizing the energy of the soul that lies behind the health or illness of the body, and, therefore, cannot heal the soul, psychology seeks to heal the personality without recognizing the force of the soul that lies behind the configuration and experiences of the personality, and therefore, also cannot heal at the level of the soul.
When you understand, and truly understand, that the experiences of your life are necessary to the balancing of the energy of your soul, you are free to not react to them personally, to not create more negative karma for your soul.
Pain by itself is merely pain, but the experience of pain coupled with an understanding that the pain serves a worthy purpose is suffering. Suffering is meaningful. Suffering can be endured because there is a reason for it that it was worth the effort. What is more worthy of your pain than the evolution of your soul?
All psychoses and psychotic breakdown will finally, eventually, be put into its proper language, which is shattered spirit.
Without awareness of the experiences of those lifetimes that bear directly upon the struggles of your personality, you cannot understand the extent of what is being healed through your experiences, or seeing to come to conclusion.
Were you drawn to medicine as a child? Reactions like that are not always explainable in terms of the experiences of your life.
Your soul and the souls of your parents agreed to your relationship in order to balance the energy that each needed to balance, or to activate dynamics within each other that are essential to lessons that each must learn.
The exploration and understanding of intuition will be a central part of spiritual psychology. Intuition if the voice of the nonphysical world. It is the connection between the personality and its higher self and its guides and Teachers.
The conscious path to authentic power requires recognition of the nonphysical dimensions of the human being, of the soul, and a growing knowledge of what the soul is and what it wants.
The personality of a shattered soul is unaware.
Was it meant that crisis be central to our growth? No. This pattern evolved through the choices that were made by our species. The flow of our evolution did not have to include this pattern of crisis. It did not have to include the experiences of pain and trauma, of emotional or physical violence and brutality in order to grow. It was given in Divine order that our species would move into wholeness at some point in its evolution. How it moved and learned in the course of its evolution was left to be determined by the choices that our species made of how to maneuver energy within the Earth school. Doubt was created and chosen as the major teacher through human choice itself. Our species chose this way of learning, and, therefore, set karmic patterns into motion, generational karmic patterns.
The awakening of the personality to the potential of the soul has come to require the loss of a mate or the death of a child, or the collapse of a business, or some situation that renders the individual powerless. It requires the failure of external power. That, to the five sensory personality, is crisis.
Each interaction with each individual is part of a continual learning dynamic. A personality that lives in love and Light, that sees through the eyes of its soul, metaphorically speaking, can see the illusion and simultaneously not be drawn into it. This is an automatically empowered personality.
You cannot, and will not, encounter a circumstance, or a single moment, that does not serve directly and immediately the need of your soul to heal, to come into wholeness.
The illusion holds power over you when you are not able to remember that you are a powerful spirit that has taken on the physical experience for the purpose of learning.
Even after a personality becomes conscious and aware of its illusion, and sets its intentions accordingly, the karmic obligations of its soul must still be met. Karma is karma. Energy is energy. The awakened personality understands this, and therefore, does not respond to the experiences and the events of its life with anger, fear, sorrow, or jealousy, which would create additional negative karma for its soul, but with compassion and with trust that the Universe, in each moment, is attending to the needs of its soul. This draws to it other souls with the same frequency of consciousness.
Separation and distance are always the result of the pursuit of external power. The human emotional system can be broken down into roughly two elements: fear and love. Love is out of the soul. Fear is of the personality.
‘Where does my anger come from?’ and realize that it springs from a multitude of dynamics, some of which were set into motion centuries ago, or longer, and that are only now coming to completion, that it is a current of energy within you that you are seeking to release in order to heal your soul and balance its karmic energy.
When you fear for your ability to protect and care for yourself in the world, to pay your rent, for example, or to keep yourself safe from physical or emotional harm- when you see power as external and you feel that you do not have enough of it to insure your well-being or your safety- you experience discomfort or pain in the area of your stomach, in the area of your solar plexus. What we call anxiety is the experience of power leaving through the energy center that is located in this area of the body.
Have you lost a mate, or a child, or someone very dear to you? Sort through your experience. Determine what it is that you felt. You will discover that your body hurt, that you were in pain in the vicinity of your chest. That is the experience of power leaving through that energy center. That is what a heartache is, the loss of power through your heart center. Chronic or acute loss of power through the heart center results, literally, in an attack of the heart.
You lose power when you long for something or someone, when you grieve, and when you envy another. Beneath all of these is fear, fear that you are vulnerable, that you are not able to cope without the person or the situation that you miss, that you are at a disadvantage without that which you envy. You lose power whenever you fear. That is what a loss of power is.
Complaining, for example, is exactly that dynamic of wanting someone to be responsible for what you experience, and to fix things for you. Complaining is a form of manipulation, but you are free to move beyond that into the next step, which is perception and sharing without manipulation. What is at stake is not your sharing, but the intention behind it. Before you share, ask yourself, “WHAT IS MY INTENTION IN SHARING THIS?”
If you reach for an addictive sexual relationship, for example, you are reaching for love. It is the illusion that you think that you are reaching for something so manly or womanly. You are reaching for love, but you will not admit it and will not deal with it, so there is anger within you because there is a level of energy and emotion that longs to be born but is never given an outlet. It is emotionally, spiritually impossible to have a sexual connection with a human being and not ignite certain emotional patterns, but they are a continual dead-end street when there is no relationship or true emotional feelings to go with the act. Therefore, there is a level of brutality, frustration, and eventually emotional disease which results in physical illness and breakdown because a significant pattern is being tremendously abused. Remember, you do get what you ask for.
Each soul comes to the Earth with gifts. A soul does not incarnate only to heal and to balance its energy, to pay its karmic debts, but also to contribute its specialness in specific ways. Each soul brings the particular configuration of the Life force that it is to the needs of the Earth school. Before it incarnates, each soul agrees to perform certain tasks upon the Earth. It enters into a sacred agreement with the Universe to accomplish specific goals.
Each soul takes upon itself a particular task. It may be the task of raising a family, or communicating ideas through writing, or transforming the consciousness of a community. Whatever the task that your soul has agreed to, whatever its contract with the Universe, all of the experiences of your life serve to awaken within you the memory of that contract, and to prepare you to fulfill it.
An unempowered personality cannot complete the task of its soul. It languishes in an inner state of emptiness. It seeks to fill itself with external power, but that will not satisfy it. This sense of emptiness, or something missing, or of something wrong, cannot be healed by satisfying the wants of the personality. No matter how successful the personality becomes in accomplishing its goals, these goals will not be enough. Eventually it will hunger for the energy of its soul. Only when the personality begins to walk the path that its soul has chosen will it satisfy its hunger.
When a soul incarnates, its memory of the agreement that it has made with the Universe becomes soft. It becomes dormant, awaiting the experiences that will activate it. These experiences are not necessarily experiences that the personality would choose.
What does it feel like to remember your soul’s task? When the deepest part of you becomes engaged with what you are doing, when your activities and actions become gratifying and purposeful, when what you do serves both yourself and others, when you do not tire within but seek the sweet satisfaction of your life and your work, you are doing what you were meant to be doing. The personality that is engaged in the work of its soul is buoyant. It is not burdened with negativity. It does not fear. It experiences purposefulness and meaning. It delights in its work and in others. It is fulfilled and fulfilling.
The fear will not vanish immediately, but it will disintegrate as you work with courage. When fear ceases to scare you, it cannot stay.
Remind yourself that you are supported, that you are not going it alone upon this Earth. Dwell in the company of your nonphysical Teachers and guides. Do not discriminate in terms of what you can and should ask and speak about. Just assume and live in the beauty of the bond.
You do what you do for yourself and the Universe and your nonphysical Teachers and guides are there in assistance. They will never do it for you. Delight in the dependency. Give your guides and Teachers permission to come closer.
Live in the total assumption that the moment that you ask for guidance it is pouring in.
Trust the Universe.
“Find me where you know I need to be”. Let them go and trust that the Universe will provide, and so it shall. Let go of all. Let your higher self complete its task.
It is not enough to want or to intend or to meditate. You must pray. You must talk. You must ask. You must believe. That is partnership. Think of what you are doing as entering into partnership with Diving Intelligence, a partnership in which you begin to share your concerns with the understanding that there is an Intelligence receptive to what you are saying that helps you create within your own environment of matter and energy the most effective dynamics to bring you into wholeness.
Be able to say within your intentions and your meditations, “And I ask for guidance or help,” and expect to get it.
It is not until you have the courage to engage in human relationships that you grow.
What you cause another to experience, you or another personality of your soul will experience also. What another personality of your soul causes in the experience of another, you may experience also.
Would you have acted the same way if you knew that the cause of your hurt may have occurred centuries before you were born?
Reverence is seeing beyond the outer shell of appearance to the essence within it. It is recognizing personalities as Earth suits and shifting your attention away from the Earth suit to what is wearing it. That is the soul.
Responsibility is a sacred word. It means the ability to respond from love rather than automatically reacting from fear. This is creating authentic power.
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